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Jilly from The Art of Breath is a trustworthy and clear channel who I received so much healing through! I love the way she makes breathwork / yoga so accessible and clear. I felt very nurtured in her presence and hope that many others may experience what she is sharing! Thank you Jilly for reminding me of the power of breath. 
Blessings and hope to see you at the next retreat! 


Hi Jilly, thanks again for the breathwork session. Everybody really got a lot out of it and have some good techniques to take into life.


Thank you Jilly for another wonderful breath session. I had had a bad shift at work the night before leaving me feeling very emotional and lacking confidence in myself and my abilities. After our session, I was left feeling very at peace within myself and no longer stressing about what I cannot control. It was an amazing feeling and stayed with me for days. You have the perfect voice, understanding and compassion for what you teach. I'm looking forward to our next session and the magic you produce.


Absolutely adore this chicky. Gentle, caring, compassionate and not without a touch of sassiness.


After our last breath session, I felt energised and had a lot of clarity around certain things. I was able to achieve so much that afternoon. Thank you.


Jilly, that was beautiful in so many ways. Thank you for your generosity of spirit. I had forgotten how important it was to calm my mind, body and breath. I feel different. Thank you gorgeous.


I was sceptical and didn't know what to expect but I found your breath class transformative. Thank you Jilly


Thank you Jilly, I greatly benefited from your breath class today. I felt the inflammation in my body reduce significantly during and after the session.


You are a soothing practitioner.


Amazing, thanks Jilly.


My story:I’ve always been a shallow breather. In my late teens a chiro had told me that I didn’t breathe properly. In my 20’s I did yoga and learnt some yogic breath. Fast forward through the next decade or so, 4 babies later and a ridiculously amount of daily stress and I totally forgot everything I learnt. After having Covid in early 2022 I was left with symptoms of long Covid, and eventually diagnosed with hEDS, a rare genetic disease that effects components of connective tissue. Dysautonomia often accompanies hEDS and this is what was causing my long Covid issues. Dizziness caused by heart rate to spike which caused ongoing daily fatigue. I heard through several channels that resetting my vagus nerve through breathing would be one of the best remedies for many of my symptoms.It led me to trying a few videos and apps to do a reset, calm it down etc. I couldn’t do them and I soon realised that its because I couldn’t breathe properly. Just physically couldn’t inhale, exhale or hold my breath effectively at all. So I decided that in 2023 I was going to learn how to breathe again and I needed help. A google search only came up with loads of yoga classes. Nothing on just breath. I then did a search on some local Facebook groups and found Jilly, and her business The Art of Breath. It sounded promising so I emailed her to explain what conditions I have and to ask if she could help me? She said she’d love to try. I have now completed 4 x 1 hour sessions with Jilly and can literally breathe properly again. She’s given me all the tools I need to keep going on my own. Something I thought would take months to learn, literally took me 4 weeks, and I saw improvement after just one hour. I’ve not felt this good in a long time. My daily heart rate has reduced dramatically. My dizziness on standing has mostly eased. My flared rib that has been bothering me for months has returned to near normal position. Phenomenal!! A couple of weeks ago I had a severe allergic reaction and became covered in extremely itchy hives. My heart rate and blood pressure rose immediately but I was able to put breath and meditation into practice. It helped to switch my mind off from the intense itching and I was able to remain calm whilst I sought urgent medical help.  Thank you Jilly for teaching me a skill we should all have.


I have to thank you for the last session Jilly, I haven't felt so relaxed in years.


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